Paragangia Wiki

edit: in an earlier version, Suzanne's home town was called Sandcreek Kansas . in the Oct 2012 version, I returned the town to the earlier name just because It has a better rhythm.

Fictional small town in Kansas . Hometown of Suzanne Patton in the Lynzee's Fountain series. I tried really hard to not make the name too close to any real Kansas town. The town was entirely based on St. George Kansas , where I lived at the time. I had very specific houses and hills and intersections in mind when I wrote the Snow Angel story, but they seemed larger in the story, Spring is a clone of St George to about the degree that Jordan Keerigan-Smith is a clone of Jason Scott-Harris.

Spring is several hours drive from KSU , so maybe near Gas Kansas down in the south east corner of the state. Is that area hilly? I'm not sure. It's remote enough not many people would know if it isn't.
