Paragangia Wiki

Son of Tersh

Nephew of Jason Scott-Harris

Name changed to Shae'en november 2021.

Healer of D'zeron at the time Jason and Harris arrive. Oversees the healing of Jason.

Boyfriend and eventually husband of Allissa . Biological father of her twins Luke and Laia. When Chathalen became Dream Bound on Home Station he told Harris to marry Allissa and raise his twins. He told Harris to name them these names. He did not want his Children to grow up without a father as he had grown up without a mother and Tersh had grown up without a father.

He became a very close friend and adopted brother in D'zeron to Harris Jenzar . Perhaps he loved Harris even more than he loved Allissa. He might have a tendency towards same gender attraction due to Jonathan Landon's Moonlight Oasis altered genetics.

Apprentice to Dream Keeper/healer D'neira

Cousin of D'neira --Sh'hara was the grandmother of both of these. They were also raised by the same mother so were in a sense also siblings.

Chathalen takes care of Jason when he arrives in D'zeron unconscious after his encounter with the wildcat mother. Chathanlen and Harris Jenzar become very close.

Chathalen returns with them to earth, leaving behind his pregnant wife, Allissa . He is killed-- trapped in the dream plane on the Paragangian HomeStation--by Thearon , and insists that Harris must marry Allissa and raise his twins.

July 2014

It is supposed to be the case that the name Chathalen is a form of the term "Shea Thaleln" which means a spirit of the forest Zair Thaleil, Shae at that time being envisioned as a spirit. Shae has evolved since then, but while playing Brave Frontier with Neil, talking about the character who looks like a Naroom Magi from Magi nations cards, who evolves into something with vines growing out of him, like Agito in Origins spirit of the past, I got to thinking about that and and how Van Kleiss from Generator Rex grows vines and wanting a character who was a forest spirit like that, and then I thought of Shae Thaleiln. after he becomes dream bound he could become sort of an apprentice to Shae and become a guardian spirit of the forest, I doubt I will be able to make this work, but I'm considering it, and considering a whole spinoff story about him, in this form. 
